This page is intended to showcase development material for the real-time strategy game project Far Dawn, currently under development by Wolvenpit Studio.

Above is demonstrated the line concept of the Far Dawn game logo, with the Daywalker-faction ‘Goldsun’ banner to the left and the Nightstalker-faction ‘Bloodmoon’ banner to the right.

The opposing factions will feature distinct color designs. The Daywalkers decorate themselves in gold and azure, with the majority of their troops also donning metal armor, adding a depth of silver into their costumes. The Nightstalkers’ chosen tones are faded black and crimson red, a combination further augmented by their dark brown, burgundy-hinted leather attires of choice.

To follow are some other samples of visual material—mostly work-in-progress—already produced for the game project:

The latest version of the template intended for animating most of the ground units in the game.
A work-in-progress attack animation for the Daywalker javelin thrower, ‘eyzenvind’.
Older digital concept of a sword-wielding game unit from a steeper top-down perspective. Also served well as a study into Nightstalker color design—pale skin and deep-red garments.
(Click to open a slightly larger view.) Older digital concept art of swamp terrain.

(Actual unedited screenshot of the game engine. Click to open in full size.)

Tactics are tricky. Oftentimes two warbands fight each other in even combat, exhausting one another's forces one by one at an equal pace until both of them wither out or either one decides to retreat.

The blue Daywalker eyzenvinds have encountered strong opposition from the red Nightstalker troops, who are ready to cast every last of their fireballs at the attacker to defend their fort. (Both are represented with the same placeholder template graphics for the time being.)

(Actual unedited screenshot of the game engine. Click to open in full size.)

Sometimes one's tactics turn out to be a success, and they are able to surround the enemy forces, pitting them in a desperate last fight for survival without chance to escape.

(Actual unedited screenshot of the game engine. Click to open in full size.)

At other times, though, the other party is able to gain the upper hand, and one can only wonder how their warforce ended up being decimated, their last surviving fighter dying alone in darkness under relentless enemy fire.

(Click to open in full size.) Digital concept art intended to study the potential appearance of the Nightstalkers.
(Click to open in full size.) Pencil concept art, ca. 2008: Daywalker armor.
(Click to open in full size.) Pencil concept art, ca. 2008: a male Nightstalker.
(Click to open in full size.) Pencil concept art, ca. 2010: facial features study of male and female Nightstalkers.

All the material above is original work of Wolvenpit Studio and may not be used without permission, unless in the context of clearly referring to this particular game project in development.

Most of the material is work in progress and thus does not represent the intended quality of the finished product.

Feel free to inquire more from the developer behind the project via email:

©2021–2022 Wolvenpit Studio. All rights reserved.