A centuries-long peaceful coexistence within the Grand Principality of Timnuzyma is brought to an abrupt end by a political turmoil that escalates into an all-out open conflict between the two ethnic groups of the multinational state: the Daywalkers and the Nightstalkers.

No hope of peace looms in the horizon, as the self-righteous wage war, the innocent pay the price, and old hatreds and resurfaced historical claims swing the swords, march the troops and put villages to the torch.

Only one question remains: will you fight for the freedom of your nation—or for the integrity of the realm?

The night is dark before the dawn—and the dawn is far.

Visual material

Early development material; does not reflect the quality of the final product.

(January 19, 2025)

(October 31, 2023)New, darker art direction: open ↗

(February 3, 2023)First sneak peek: open ↗

A classic RTS

The golden era of 2D real-time strategies, or RTSes, began in mid-90s, lasted until early 2000s and gave us several great gameplay experiences—such that have never been successfully replicated since, be it in later iterations, clones or new franchises.

Far Dawn is set to bring us back the look and feel from the era of true classic RTSes.

In what ways does Far Dawn echo the greatness of the classic RTSes?

Where does Far Dawn differ from the old greats:

Development roadmap

Far Dawn will feature two single-player campaigns—one for each of the differing factions—with branching storylines and a number of alternative endings.

Online multiplayer will likewise be supported. The game will also provide tools to craft your own custom maps—all up to script-driven scenarios composed into custom campaigns.

The game runs on a custom engine written in Rust ↗ and utilizing SDL2 ↗. While this approach may require more time than using a proprietary third-party engine, as is common nowadays, it ensures complete control over technical implementation and gameplay performance, and secures the developer's independence from any peculiarities and "undocumented features" that third-party engines tend to bring with them.

Far Dawn is a solo developer effort, so it takes a relatively long time to push features and assets into production. With all this said, the development is progressing at a steady pace.

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